トリを飾る親友のフィンランド人哲学者Jussi Backmannはまだ27歳だが、英語はほぼ完璧だし、仏・独語も問題なく話す。フィンランド語が日本語と同じ「後置詞」をもち、ハンガリー語、バスク語とともに印欧諸語の中の三大「島嶼言語」であることを思い出しておくのも無駄ではないだろう。
現在の日本の哲学界ではあまりにも言語の問題がなおざりにされてはいないか。もちろん研究対象としての言語のことを言っているのではない。言語哲学は今なお注目に値する業績をあげ続けている。問題は、思考の手段としての言語である。現在、世界の哲学界は、私がモーゼス・ヘスをもじって「ヨーロッパ三頭制」と呼ぶ、英語・ドイツ語・フランス語による支配が続いている。日本の思想界はこの支配から逃れている反面、論じられている主題、論じられ方を見ていると、ほとんどTax Heavenの観がある。
むろん、我々がスピノザの視点をそのまま採用するわけにもいかない。彼にあってはおそらくmathesis universalisのもとに哲学と科学が包摂されており、少なくとも現在のような形で分離されてはいないからである。
現在の日本は、言語的に見ても、歴史的に見ても、経済的・政治的に見ても、特殊な位置にある。これを通俗的な日本論に還元することなく、哲学的な問題として捉ええたときにはじめて、丸山流の「日本の思想」でも、ハイデガー派を満足させる「非哲学的思想」としての東洋思想でもない「日本の哲学」が現れ、ヨーロッパ三頭制に対する「抵抗の線」を引くことができるのではないか。 hf
The third annual conference of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology.
NB: Preliminary program.
Friday 22.04
10.00 – 10.15 | Welcome address, Dean of Faculties of Arts Vigdis Songe-Møller and Anne Granberg |
10.15 – 11.45 | Rudolf Bernet, Katholieke Universiteit |
11.45 – 12.45 | Lunch |
12.45 – 16.00 | Section I |
16.00 – 16.30 | Coffee break |
16.30 – 17.45 | Sara Heinämaa, |
18.00 - | Reception for speakers |
Section I 12.45 – 16.00
Ia Phenomenology and Psychology
Rasmus Thybo-Jensen, Merleau-Ponty’s critique of the separation of psychology and phenomenology
Julia Jansen, Imagining Possibilities: On the Problem of a Phenomenology of Creativity
Thor Grünbaum, What is a kinaesthetic experience?
Erika Ruonakoski, Animal Psychology and Phenomenology
Chair: Gunnar Karlsen
Ib Phenomenological Methodology
Konrad Rokstad, The Cartesian Meditations and its shadow
Tarjei Mandt Larsen, Husserl and the Problem of Radical Scepticism
Frode Kjosavik, Eidetic Intuition and the Method of Variation in Mathematical Practice
Mark van Atten, On the hypothetical judgement in Husserl's logic
Chair: Egil Olsvik
Ic Art and Aesthetics
Miika Luoto, From Existence to Techné. Situating the Question of Art in Heidegger’s Thought
Sara Hacklin, Phenomenology on video art – A certain dead-end or fresh insights?
Ingvild Torsen, When theory does violence to practice: the case of Heidegger’s philosophy of art
Vibeke Tellmann, The musical origin of language: The importance of musical phenomena in the 1700-century debate on the origin of language
Id Levinas and Ethics
Søren Overgaard, The Tyranny of Goodness: A Critique of Levinas’ Phenomenological Ethics
Carl Cederberg, Platonism and Alterity in Levinas
Joel Backström, The moral imperative: A goodness born of evil?
Hannes Nykänen, Conscience and the essence of philosophy
Chair: Gry Ane Vikanes
Saturday 23.04
09.30 – 12.30 | Section II |
12.30 – 13.30 | Lunch |
13.30 – 15.45 | Section III |
15.45 – 16.00 | Coffee break |
16.00 – 17.15 | Theodore Kisiel, |
17.15 – 18.00 | NSP business meeting (for members) |
19.00 | Conference dinner for speakers at restaurant På Høyden |
Section II, 09.30 – 12.30
IIa Phenomenology, Medicine and Psychiatry
Egil Olsvik, A phenomenological reply to the argument for “incomprehensibility” regarding psychosis
hf, Between Phainomena and Phantasmata: Bergson’s ‘Déjà-vu’ and Merleau-Ponty’s ‘Phantom limb’
Finn Nordtvedt, Confined in pain and shut off from the world – a phenomenological study of men with phantom painFredrik Svennaeus, Heidegger on Prozac: Attunement, Alienation and Being-in-the-World
IIb Merleau-Ponty on Embodiment
Ulla Thøgersen, Desire and the Paradox of Expression
Kurt Dauer-Keller, The corporeity of the self
Marc van den Bossche, The Metaphysical Structure of the Body – Merleau-Ponty on Eros and Libido
Jonna Bornemark, Body as Radical Immanence – a Reading of Michel Henry’s Philosophy and Phenomenology of the Body
IIc Technology and Rationality
Sven-Olov Wallenstein, Heidegger, the Essence of Technology and Modern Art
Jonathan Habib Enquist, A remark on the question of fear and the ethics of technology
Eva Schwarz, Naturalism, phenomenology and the concept of nature. Some questions
Martina Keitsch, Hans Skjervheim´s Phenomenology and Transcendental Pragmatics
IId Limits of Phenomenology
Susanna Lindberg, The animal that follows Derrida
Marcia Cavalcante Schubak, Heidegger’s issues on void, privation and nothingness
Paul M. Karlsson, Reading in finitude - hermeneutical phenomenology of language and infinity
Jari Kauppinen, Evil, Theology and the Coming of the Worst in Jacques Derrida’s philosophy
Section III, 13.30 – 15.45
IIIa Anomalous Selfhood
Jørgen Thalbizer, Asking the patient about first person experience
Marit Quist, Existential Aspects in Experiences of Delusion
Lisa Käll, A Sense of Self. Expressive Selfhood and Schizophrenic Distortions of Bodily Self-Awareness
IIIb Phenomenology and Sexual difference
Johanna Oksala, Phenomenology and Sexual Difference
Linda Fischer, Gendered Phenomenology
Ulrika Björk, Repetition and variation in Simone de Beauvoir’s autobiography
IIIc Affectivity and Vulnerability
Tove Pettersen, The Phenomenology of Joy
Marja-Liisa Honkasalo, Agency and human suffering as phenomenological problems
Michael Staudigl, Phenomenological Reflections on Violence and their Impact on Phenomenological Methodology
Sunday 24.04
10.00 – 13.00 | Section IV |
13.00 – 14.00 | Lunch |
14.00 – 15.15 | Leonard Lawlor, |
15.15 – 15.30 | Coffee break |
15.30 – 16.45 | Josef Parnas, |
Section IV, 10.00 – 13.00
IVa Selfhood and Subjectivity
Joona Taipale, The concept of ego in Husserl’s genetic phenomenology: Transcendental person, alterity, and disorders
Dan Zahavi, Time and Self
Trond Grønli Åm, The Aesthetics of Immanence – Immanent Ontology and the Shape of Reflexion as Fundament for Practical Thought
Else Wiestad, Spatial Identity: The Self in Interaction with Space and Place
IVb Arendt and Politics
Martina Reuter, Infinity and Unpredictability: Descartes and Arendt on Will and Action
Martta Heikkila, Jean-Luc Nancy: Politicising the Undecidable
Joakim Löf, Dissociation as the trauma of labour and the retreat of the mother
Helgard Mahrt, The Concept of Phronesis in Aristotle and Arendt: From the Concern for Life and the Self to Caring for the World
IVc Heidegger and Ancient Philosophy
Hans Ruin, Heidegger and the Destiny of Thinking
David Michael Kleinberg-Levin, Agxibasihn: Phenomenology as a Practice of Endless Approach in Heidegger and Benjamin
Jussi Backmann, All of a Sudden: Heidegger and the Platonic Instant